Chinese language proficiency test (sample + answer)

The Chinese Language Proficiency Test, also known as Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK), is a standardized test of Chinese language proficiency for non-native speakers. It is organized and administered by the Chinese government’s Ministry of Education …

Chinese language proficiency test

The Chinese Language Proficiency Test, also known as Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi (HSK), is a standardized test of Chinese language proficiency for non-native speakers. It is organized and administered by the Chinese government’s Ministry of Education and is recognized internationally as a measure of Chinese language proficiency.

The HSK test measures the ability of non-native speakers to use and understand the Chinese language at different levels, ranging from basic to advanced. The test covers various aspects of the language such as listening, reading, writing, and speaking.

The HSK test is widely recognized by academic institutions and employers in China and around the world, as it provides a standardized measure of a person’s Chinese language proficiency. Many universities and companies require a certain level of HSK certification as a prerequisite for admission or employment.

There are six levels of the HSK test, with level 1 being the lowest and level 6 being the highest. The test is administered worldwide, with test centers in many countries.


  • Choose the best answer for each question.
  • There is only one correct answer per question.
  • The test is designed to assess your current level of French proficiency, so please try your best and answer all questions.
  • The answer key will be provided at the end of the test.

Chinese language proficiency test


1. 以下哪个不是中国的传统节日?
A. 春节
B. 中秋节
C. 情人节
D. 端午节

2. 以下哪个字是偏旁部首?
A. 日
B. 月
C. 木
D. 火

3. 以下哪个词语的字数最多?
A. 全国人民代表大会
B. 世界卫生组织
C. 国际奥林匹克委员会
D. 联合国教科文组织

4. 以下哪个成语的意思是形容一个人的表现很出色?
A. 入木三分
B. 津津有味
C. 出类拔萃
D. 心灵手巧

5. 以下哪个词语的音调是“四声”?
A. 沙发
B. 桌子
C. 饮料
D. 电视

6. 下列哪个动词的过去式不是加“了”?
A. 吃
B. 去
C. 看
D. 买

7. 以下哪个数字的发音与“死”相同?
A. 三
B. 四
C. 五
D. 六

8. 以下哪个成语的意思是指不重视规矩和法律?
A. 不可救药
B. 不三不四
C. 不择手段
D. 不折不扣

9. 以下哪个词语表示否定?
A. 一定
B. 绝对
C. 一点也不
D. 当然

10. 以下哪个名人是中国古代文学家?
A. 李白
B. 鲁迅
C. 章太炎
D. 梁启超

11. 以下哪个词语的意思是指无法实现或达到的目标?
A. 星辰大海
B. 人山人海
C. 井底之蛙
D. 望梅止渴

12. 以下哪个数字的发音与“发”相同?
A. 一
B. 二
C. 五
D. 十

13. 以下哪个字的笔画数最多?
A. 龘
B. 龙
C. 龟
D. 龚

14. 以下哪个成语的意思是指人们都遵守同样的规则或原则?
A. 牛刀小试
B. 人山人海
C. 四面楚歌
D. 不打不成交

15. 以下哪个词语表示“热闹,繁华”?
A. 宁静
B. 清凉
C. 繁忙
D. 平静

16. 以下哪个成语的意思是形容一个人太过谦虚?
A. 沉默寡言
B. 含蓄内敛
C. 过河拆桥
D. 谦虚谨慎

17. 以下哪个字的拼音是“dàn”?
A. 胆
B. 弹
C. 旦
D. 淡

18. 以下哪个词语的意思是指不负责任或轻率地处理事情?
A. 轻车简从
B. 三心二意
C. 临阵磨枪
D. 草率从事

19. 以下哪个词语表示“不要紧,没关系”?
A. 没问题
B. 没事
C. 没有
D. 不错

20. 以下哪个数字的发音与“寿”相同?
A. 二
B. 四
C. 六
D. 十

21. 以下哪个成语的意思是形容人的气质非常高雅?
A. 优雅不凡
B. 举世无双
C. 非比寻常
D. 高山仰止

22. 以下哪个字的拼音是“xuán”?
A. 选
B. 宣
C. 玄
D. 轩

23. 以下哪个词语的意思是指一次性解决所有的问题?
A. 一箭双雕
B. 拔苗助长
C. 深思熟虑
D. 按部就班

24. 以下哪个数字的发音与“发”相同?
A. 七
B. 八
C. 九
D. 十

25. 以下哪个成语的意思是指形容人们的愚昧和无知?
A. 融会贯通
B. 盲人摸象
C. 刻舟求剑
D. 唇亡齿寒

26. 以下哪个词语的意思是指一件事情做得非常出色?
A. 大功告成
B. 半途而废
C. 青出于蓝
D. 神机妙算

27. 以下哪个字的笔画数最少?
A. 勿
B. 又
C. 九
D. 了

28. 以下哪个词语的意思是指某个观念或说法深入人心?
A. 片面性
B. 深入人心
C. 意识形态
D. 多元化

29. 以下哪个成语的意思是指形容人得到了非常好的教育和培养?
A. 德高望重
B. 神仙般的人物
C. 明珠在握
D. 神龙见首不见尾

30. 以下哪个字的拼音是“zhù”?
A. 主
B. 住
C. 注
D. 驻

Answer Key:

Drop a line [Chinese language proficiency test] to our email address ([email protected]) to get the answer sheet.

Here are some resources for finding more Chinese language proficiency test:

  1. The HSK (Hanyu Shuiping Kaoshi) is the most widely recognized Chinese language proficiency test. It consists of six levels, with HSK Level 1 being the easiest and HSK Level 6 being the most difficult.
  2. The TOCFL (Test of Chinese as a Foreign Language) is another widely recognized Chinese language proficiency test. It consists of five levels, with Level 1 being the easiest and Level 5 being the most difficult.
  3. The Chinese Proficiency Test Center of Beijing Language and Culture University also offers various proficiency tests, including the BCT (Business Chinese Test) and the YCT (Youth Chinese Test).
  4. You can also find practice tests and sample questions online through various language learning websites and forums.

Remember, language proficiency tests are a great way to assess your current level of proficiency, but they should not be the only measure of your language skills. Language learning is a continuous process, and it’s important to practice regularly and immerse yourself in the language to truly improve your skills.

Originally posted 2023-04-27 11:32:56.

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